Controladora Dolphin, S.A. de C.V., (Dolphin Discovery®), hereinafter referred as "Controladora Dolphin", with address in Calle Banco Chinchorro, Manzana 1, Lote 8, Supermanzana 13, C.P. 77504, Cancun, Quintana Roo, is responsible for the collection and use of the personal data required in terms of the rules established by the Mexican Federal Law for Data Protection of Private Individuals (Mexican Privacy Law LFPDPPP), article 47 of its secondary regulations, as well in the provisions of the articles 1°, 3° and 5° of the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
The personal data collected from our customers will be managed with the strictest confidentiality. Our customer’s information will be processed according to the provisions established by LFPDPPP. Mexican Privacy Law (articles 15 and 16 and 26 to 28 of its secondary regulations), requires us to inform you that your contact information, financial and patrimonial assets data and sensitive data collected from you (in our registration forms in the Check-in area and/or Guest Service of each location), or directly (by phone, email, web applications, social media, mobile apps, and CCTv.), and indirectly (through our affiliate agencies), will be used for the following essential purposes:
According to the provisions stated by articles 8° and 9° of the LFPDPPP, and articles 15 and 16 of its secondary regulations (RLFPDPPP), Controladora Dolphin is required to obtain express consent of its customers in order to use and process their financial, patrimonial assets and sensitive data. Therefore when we require such information to provide our services we will request your authorization through a format at the moment of the data collection.
Controladora Dolphin may transfer your personal data with companies that help it to provide its services or fulfill its legal obligations, for example: Webhosting suppliers, in order to maintain, update, and manage the web sites; with transportation agencies, etc.
Express consent is not required by law for this kind of transferences according to article 37, section VII of the LFPDPPP.
Furthermore, depending of the services contracted by our customers their personal data may be shared with other companies to provide those services. In those cases Controladora Dolphin will inform you about these transferences and will require your authorization for the management of this information. These transfers will be carried out in compliance with the provisions established by article 36 of the LFPDPPP and articles 72 and 73 of its secondary rules (RLFPDPPP).
With the exceptions of the cases cited above, the personal data provided by our customers will not be transferred to any other party or company unless the data transfer is required by law under the provisions stated by article 37 of the LFPDPPP.
Controladora Dolphin will be able to use, print, reproduce, and publish the photos and videos of the guests in printed media (magazines, calendars, brochures, BlueWall, etc.), and electronic media (Blogs, social networks, newsletter, web site, etc.) and/or any other media in all of its formats, editions, phonograms or video-grams, and other forms of media in order to document and communicate information about events and interactive programs with the dolphins or other marine mammals, as well as the sport activities carried out in our different locations and habitats.
Besides these cases, Controladora Dolphin, will not publish or reveal photos or videos of its customers and neither will exploit them commercially without the proper express authorization.
Our policy regarding the information related to the use of our website is described below. You should review this Privacy Policy regularly since it may change at any time at our discretion. The safety and confidentiality of the users that provide their information when hiring a service or buying a product online will be protected by a safe server under the protocol Secure Socket Layer (SSL), so the data sent will be encrypted to ensure that is safe. Also, we have a backup of the computer programs such as Hacker Safe y Thawte certificated measures.
To verify that your information is safe, make sure that there is always an "s" in the browser. Example: htttps://. Likewise, when you enter the web site of Controladora Dolphin, we will register your internet address (this address is temporary and it is assigned by your internet services supplier when you get online), the type of operative system and the web browser that you use. Additionally we can track the parts of the web site that you are visiting. The information that we obtain is used to help us create a better experience for the users of our web site; all this process is done without us knowing your name or any other information that allow us to identify it. When users visit our websites, they do it anonymously unless they expressly decide to identify themselves with us.
Controladora Dolphin does not require that customers provide personal data to use the Website, unless is necessary. Some applications may require that users disclose some personal data, for example our contact forms require user’s e-mail address to register and answer comments, complaints, questions or suggestions, and contact users if necessary.
In these forms we will not require financial, patrimonial and/or sensitive data; any disclosure of this information is your responsibility. Regardless the above, if you voluntarily provide any of this information Controladora Dolphin assures it will be used with strict confidentiality.
A cookie is a small file and holds a certain amount of data, which our website can send to your browser. It may then be stored on your computer's hard drive and can be accessed by our web server. This cookie data can then be retrieved and can allow us to customize our web pages and services accordingly. It is important to clarify that cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer. A cookie does not allow us to know your personal identity unless you explicitly choose to provide it. Most cookies expire after a period of time or can be deleted by you at any time. Also you can configure your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie so you can accept or reject it.
The cookies will allow us to:
Our website uses cookies also to provide a personalized and secure experience to our users as well as to show users advertising related to their preferences. Cookies allow us to understand the behavior of our users on the site and improve it. If you decide to navigate our website, we understand that you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with "our online privacy policy" described in our Privacy Notice. When you enter to our websites you will be able to reject cookies or avoid accepting new cookies by using the "Help" button located in the tool bar of most browsers. Most of cookies are erased after a period of time or you can choose to erase them directly from your computer.
As stated in Mexican Privacy Law (LFPDPPP) and in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), customers may request the access, rectification, cancellation or oppose to the use of their personal information provided to the responsible, or revoke their consent. Their request will be answered by our Privacy Officer, through this email address:
According to Privacy Law you can request access, rectification, cancellation, or oppose to the use of your personal data by following the process described bellow:
If your application fulfilled all the requirements requested by articles 32 to 35 of the Mexican Privacy Law (LFPDPPP), the answer will be sent to you via e-mail, free of any charge. However if you wish to receive it by other means the applicant must cover the expenses of the copies and formats requested.
If you consider that the answer given to you is incomplete or incorrect or you believe that your privacy rights have been violated by the Responsible, you can complain to the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI). If you want to know more you can access to the website:
If you have any questions regarding the content, interpretation or scope of this Privacy Notice, you need more information regarding to the processing of your personal data, you can send an e-mail to our Privacy Officer to the address:
This privacy notice is in force and will be updated by publishing a new privacy notice in this site. Any changes of this privacy notice will be informed by publishing an updated version of this document.
Last updating: December 1st, 2018.